Visoko zmogljive smole in prilagojene rešitve za industrijo kompozitov, od vzorca do delov, strukturnega lepila, pa tudi livarske smole in funkcionalne prevleke za elektronske naprave in industrijske filtre.

High Quality EP and PUR Systems

Sika offers customized solutions with local support and worldwide availability from the model to the part, including the appropriate structural adhesives.
In addition, we offer casting resins and functional coatings for dielectrics and for filters.

Our products, technologies and expertise cover a wide range of applications:

  • Block Materials
  • Model and Mold Making Pastes
  • Gelcoats and Laminating Systems
  • Composite Resin Systems
  • Electronic Potting and Casting
  • Epoxy and Polyurethane Casting
  • Low Pressure RIM Systems
  • Elastomeric Casting Resins
  • Technical Casting
High performance epoxy and polyurethane casting
> 1,000,000
SikaBlock® boards have been used last 2 decades for the production of design/master models and for manufacturing tools
of different potlifes, heat resistance properties or transparent effects with SikaBiresin® epoxy and polyurethane casting resins

Advanced Resins Applications