
Sikine inovativne rešitve za elastična in strukturna lepila proizvajalcem gospodarskih vozil nudijo možnost za večjo prilagodljivost pri sestavljanju, večjo učinkovitost porabe goriva, večjo koristnost in svobodo vizualnega oblikovanja. Integracija kompozitnih in plastičnih materialov zahteva nove tehnike spajanja.

Imamo strokovno znanje za izbiro prave lepilne raztopine, hkrati pa vam pomagamo pri opredelitvi najboljšega postopka montaže, kar vam omogoča učinkovito projektno delo. Sika ponuja celoten nabor podatkov o materialih, ki produktnemu inžinirju omogoča, da v zgodnji fazi preveri koncepte.


"Sikina inovativna miselnost, skupaj s celotnim naborom tehnologij in podatkov o materialih, vam daje samozavest pri spopadanju z izzivi oblikovanja."

Sikina tehnologija za večjo svobodo oblikovanja v avtomobilski industriji

Sika ponuja edinstven portfelj tehnologij in nenehno razvija nove rešitve za spopadanje z izzivi naših strank. Sikine elastične in strukturne lepilne rešitve so svojo vrednost dokazale v številnih projektih po svetu.

 Združevanje različnih materialov

Doseganje ciljev zmanjšanja teže in stroškov pri oblikovanju vozil je povezano z uporabo sestavljenih delov in plastičnih materialov. Takšnih materialov ni mogoče variti in zahtevajo nove tehnike spajanja. Upoštevati je treba raztezke različnih stopenj in trajnosti elementov. Sika ima več kot 40 let izkušenj z vključevanjem sestavljenih in plastičnih komponent v oblikovanje avtomobilov in gospodarskih vozil.

Structurally Bonded Windows and Windshield

The automotive industry has been using windshields as a contributor to vehicle stiffness for more than 40 years. As a result, steel thickness and consumption was reduced. Bonded glass also benefits modern transport vehicles with additional stiffness. For use on large screens and commercial vehicles, Sika’s glass adhesive solutions are the ideal solution.

Glass Adhesives

Flat Design with Weathering Resistant Sikaflex®

Flat surfaces not only give the vehicle a more elegant look and feel, but they also increase vehicles’ aerodynamics and ultimately result in lower fuel consumption. Sikaflex® weathering resistant sealants are ideal for filling gaps between windows and combine excellent tooling performance with high weathering durability. The use of weathering resistant Sikaflex® also ensures compatibility with repair adhesives and sealants.

Glass Bonding

Replacing Mechanical Fixtures

Mechanical fixtures such as screws and bolts add substantial weight to vehicles. Using them also creates stress peaks that may result in reduced longevity of the connection or the need for additional stiffening. SikaPower® SmartCore epoxy adhesives provide your engineers with additional tools to reach strength and stiffness requirements with a proven record of high impact and fatigue resistant joints.

Metal Adhesives and Epoxies

Sika as the Customer’s Strategic Partner

Sika’s global team provides expertise in the integration of composite parts and plastic components to vehicle design. Our service includes advising on thermal expansion and bonding process parameters, as well as testing adhesives and parts for your specific projects. For calculations, we support your CAE engineers with material data that allow the verification of new concepts in an early stage.